张家界唯一出境旅行社 07年张家界接待量最大的旅行社 市政府直系企业  张家界热线合作伙伴
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A Wilderness Journey in Zhangjiajie
第一天     Arrive in Zhangjiajie, meet English speaking guide and transport to Pipaxi hotel in Zhangjiajie National Forest Park
第二天     Yaozizhai,(prepare some food, water and fruits for your picnic) after breakfast, walk 1.35 km from Pipaxi hotel to the entrance, starting point to Yaozizhai is Laomuwang ,walk 2300 km to the top of the mountain, take a big loop around the mountain for 2 hours, in the afternoon go to the other side of the mountain eagle’s beak and natural arch,explore for 2 hours, then walk down the mountain the same way back, stay in Pipaxi hotel overnight, prepare for next 2days stay in the mountain,left your unnecessary stuff in the hotel.
第三天     Golden whip stream and Yuanjiajie (prepare some food, water, and fruits for your picnic), after breakfast, take your needed luggage; start to walk in the golden whip stream for 1.5 hours to the snack house, you walk across the bridge, take a quiet trail along the Shadaogou valley, it will take you 3 hours to get to the top of Yuanjiajie, Wangqiaotai is the first scenic spot in the top,you stop park bus to Tianxiatiyiqiao-First Natural Arch,check in a hostel, the first natural arch is the finale scenic spot of your day.
第四天     Yangjiajie, after breakfast, take park bus to Wulongzhai,full day exploration in Tianbofu,Balipo,Yibudongtian- one step to heaven ,Kongzhongzoulang-corridor in the air, Stay overnight in Wulongzhai hostel.
第五天     Tianzishan, after breakfast, take park bus to Tianzishan, do sightseeing in Shen-tangwan,Helong park,Yubifeng,after finishing sightsee-ing on the top of the Tianzishan mountain, begin to take a trail downward the mountain from the Tianzi pagoda, you go through Yueliangya ,Wologling lying dragon ridge , Shilihualang ten-li picturesque gallery ,finally you come to mini train station, and take park bus to Wulingyuan entrance and take a car back to your hotel.
第六天     free in the morning, in the afternoon go down town to do city tour and visit sand stone painting museum, and say good-bye to Zhangjiajie at the airport.
    A Wilderness Journey in Zhangjiajie National Forest Park by Paul Massey
人数 标准B 标准A 豪华B 豪华A 超豪华 预订
注:大型旅游/会议团,优惠价格另行商议,敬请来电 0744-5625255、0744-5625355 咨询。
『 提供服务项目与标准 』

超豪华等提供按四星标准装修的酒店; (新建酒店房间设施已达四星标准,但规模稍小,没有挂牌)豪华等提供三星同级酒店标准双人间;(新建酒店房间设施已达三星标准,但规模稍小,没有挂牌) 标准等入住二星同级酒店标准双人间,(含独立卫生间、热水、空调、彩电等)以上各标准均保证干净整洁、舒适安全,客房设施均为7-8成以上新 (注:也可根据旅游者的要求另行安排住房标准,其费用另计。)

二、用车:根据不同人数,豪华等为别克商务或广本商务、标准a等为国产商务车、标准b等均提供以下车型:桑塔纳、捷达、长安 之星7座、金杯海狮11座、新型空调旅游中巴或大巴车等。散客拼团用车根据当天拼团人数 安排车辆,保证新空调旅游车辆。(注:确保车况良好,决不使用脏、乱、差的车辆)

六、费用不包含: 往返交通、景区内索道、电梯、小火车、个人消费及行程外一切费用、行程内用餐(如需含餐:35元/人/天)


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